luni, 23 octombrie 2023
Activitate la Moara Vlasiei
Ziua Armatei in Scoli
duminică, 22 octombrie 2023
Concursul Handicraft (pregatire pentru participare)
Cercetasii au trecut la lucru. In foisorul galben - puii de lup:
sâmbătă, 21 octombrie 2023
Drumul Manastirilor
prof. Claudiu Schiteanu, initiator si organizator, liderul Grupului de Initiativa "Constantin Brancoveanu" din Ramnicu Valcea
joi, 19 octombrie 2023
Inaugurare monument Ecaterina Teodoroiu
Cercetasi de la unitatile din Bucuresti au dorit sa fie primii care aduc un omagiu eroinei noastre la monumentul inaugurat in data de 18.10.2023. Atunci am fost prezenti cu un grup de lideri, astazi am venit si cu copii, carora sa le spunem o lectie de istorie depre eroi si simboluri nationale, despre dragoste de tara si sacrificiu, despre mandria de a fi cercetasi.
Din partea ACT-RO s-a depus o coroana de flori, S-a pastrat un moment de reculegere pentru cercetasii eroi si pentru eroii armatei romane, cazuti la datorie.
Gata Oricand!
echipa ACT-RO
marți, 17 octombrie 2023
Pe trei dintre ei ii regasim astazi in structura asociatiei (Dan Dimancescu, Alin Dimancescu, Viorel Dobritoiu).
Pentru anul 2024 pregatim evenimente care sa marcheze 10 ani de ACT-RO (in avanpremiera - ecusonul aniversar).
echipa ACT-RO
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 09:50:08 -0700
Subject: contact from Romania
To: []
Dear Mrs. [Vice-president],
I am honored to write you. I represent a group of senior scout leaders from Romania. This year we officially celebrate 100 years from the beginning of scouting in our country.
The National Organization of the Romanian Scouts (the second initiative that started in 1990) took advantage of its privileged position (full membership recognition by WOSM in 1993), and gradually absorbed the traditional scouts organization (1997-2000).
Our initiative group identified a set of issues:
-lack of tradition in today scouting (principles and practice)
-“modernist" trend in today scouting
In this respect we have a plan to start up a new association, in line with the principles and practices of the traditional scouting, but contemporary oriented. Some of our leaders activated on key positions in the former traditional association (1990-2000).
We discovered the BP-Scout Association story and we were excited. Going further we were encouraged by the presence of the World Federation of Independent Scouts.
Specifically speaking, we would like to share with you our key planned dates: legal establishment on March 2014 and official launch for May 2014.
Even at this preliminary stage, we express our intention to join WFIS, given that our construction is long-term based and we would like to anticipate next steps.
At this point we would like to ask you
-what do you think about our affiliation intention?
-are there any specific conditions besides the one related to “not be a member of another world organization”?
-the “prospective member” refers to an candidate status?
-what other info (WFIS related) do you think would help us at this moment?
Thank you and waiting for your answer,
Alin Dimancescu
Diplomat Engineer, 18 years background in advertising and communication.
Nephew of Dimancescu brothers (Dimitrie and Ioan), founders (being high school students) of the first Romanian boy-scouts patrol in the summer of 1913. In the ‘30s my grandfather (I.D.) was the commander of Bucharest Scouts Legion.
Over the last years I promoted our local scouting history (through archive info, projects, partnerships) as a traditional landmark of the today scouting. In the spring of this year I was co-organizer of the National Exhibition "100 years of Romanian Scouting", hosted by the National Military Museum “King Ferdinand I” in Bucharest.
Procesul de afiliere a fost gestionat impreuna cu colega noastra, Diana Habuc, si a avut ca rezultat acceptarea noastra ca menbru aspirant in anul 2015 si ca membru cu drepturi depline in anul 2017.
duminică, 8 octombrie 2023
Vizita la Muzeul Satului
joi, 5 octombrie 2023
O tura la Sfinxul Lainicilor
duminică, 1 octombrie 2023
Deschidere an cercetasesc 2023-2024
Evenimentul de Deschidere al Anului Cercetasesc 2023-2024 a avut loc duminica, 01.10.2023, la Fundulea (terenul de fotbal Gostilele).
Multumim pentru accesul la locatie autoritatilor locale si Ocolului Silvic!
(vezi aici cine a fost generalul Virgil Badulescu).
marți, 19 septembrie 2023
Inscrieri la cercetasi
Participarea la activitatile in aer liber si natura, excursii si tabere se realizeaza pe baza metodei cercetasesti traditionale, intr-un sistem de progres individual si de echipa (patrula).

Perioada de inscrieri: 20-30 septembrie, locurile sunt limitate!
Inscrierile inregistrate dupa data de 1 octombrie se vor valida numai in limita locurilor disponibile.